+51 925 697 941 +51 925 697 941

Lima • Paracas • Nazca • Arequipa • Colca • Cusco • Machu Picchu • Puno • La Paz

15 D / 14 N


… / LIMA

Welcome to Peru!
Arrival at the Lima airport, assistance from one of our representatives at the airport.
Then transfer to the hotel, located in the residential district of Miraflores. Check in (3:00 pm).

Services: Overnight. (–)
Height: Lima: 154 masl



Breakfast at hotel.
Transfer to the bus station to board the regular bus to Paracas. After 4 hours, arrival and transfer to the hotel.
Afternoon at leisure to enjoy the hotel facilities.

Services: Overnight. (B)
Height: Paracas: 5 masl

Paracas - Islas Ballestas



Breakfast at hotel.
Early morning excursion to the Ballestas Islands, located off the coast of Pisco. They constitute the habitat of a great variety of marine fauna such as the Humboldt Penguin, pelican, pikemen, flamingos, dolphins and sea lions, which can be easily observed from a motor boat. After 2 hours return to the hotel. Transfer to the bus station. Departure by bus in regular service to Nazca.
Arrive and transfer to the hotel.

Services: Overnight. (B)
Height: Nazca: 588 masl

Nasca - Lineas de Nasca - Vuelo



Very early breakfast at hotel.
Transfer to the airport to fly over the enigmatic Nazca Lines. This enormous set of geoglyphs has a network of lines and drawings of figures of animals and plants attributed to the Nazca culture that cover an area of approximately 350 km².
Among the main figures we can see the Hummingbird, the Dog, the Monkey, the Astronaut, etc. The german Maria Reiche dedicated 50 years of her life to the study and research of the place, arriving at the conclusion that it was an astronomical calendar. From a 12-meter-high lookout you can see partially the figures of The Hand and The Tree. In the afternoon, transfer to the bus station to board the regular service bus back to the city of Arequipa.
After 9 hours of travel, arrival and transfer to the hotel.

Services: Overnight. (B)
Height: Arequipa: 2,360 masl



Breakfast at hotel.
Free day for personal activities.

Services: Overnight. (B)
Height: Arequipa: 2,360 masl




Breakfast at hotel.
In the morning, you will be met at your hotel and taken on an incredible four hour journey to Chivay. Have your camera ready as you will stop at various stunning viewpoints including the Pampa Cañahuas Reserve, which is home to many exotic Andean animals including vicuñas, alpacas, llamas, flamingos, ibis and the Andean eagle. You will see astonishing landscapes as you drive past lakes, glaciers and some magnificent volcanoes, such as Ampato, Sabancaya, Huallca and Misti. During the journey we will reach the highest point of 4,800 masl (15,000ft). Afterwards, we head down the canyon to Chivay and transfer you to your hotel. In the afternoon, you will have time to spend at leisure. You can choose from several activities. Enjoy the hot thermal springs of La Calera, set off on a short trek or relax at your hotel while taking in the panoramic view of the beginning of the canyon and its terraces.

Services: Overnight. (B, L)
Height: Colca: 3,650 masl

Chivay - Cañon Colca



Breakfast hotel.
In the morning we will meet you at your hotel and you will start your tour of the Colca Canyon. We will take you to the most wonderful places in the Colca Canyon. Along the way, we will make a few stops in small Andean villages where time seems to have stood still and Colonial architecture remains to be well saved. We travel along the canyon until we get to ‘Mirador Cruz del Condor’, which is the best viewing point where you can look into the depths of the Colca Canyon. Also, we will visit “Mirador de Tapay”. This viewing point is 1,200 m deep. From here you will most likely always see a few condors flying with an amazing scenery in the background. You will have the chance for a short hike along the canyon and afterwards, you will enjoy a locally prepared lunch in Chivay (not included). Once you have taken in the refreshing air of the Colca Canyon, we will transfer you back to your hotel in Arequipa. The journey back to Arequipa will take approximately 4 hours through stunning scenery of lakes, glaciers and volcanoes.

Services: Overnight. (B, L)
Height: Arequipa: 2,360 masl



Breakfast at hotel.
Transfer to the airport to board the regular flight to Cusco. Arrival, reception and transfer to the hotel. Rest of the morning free to acclimatize to the altitude. In the afternoon pick up for your City Tour Cusco where you will visit The Cathedral, Coricancha (Temple of the Sun) and the nearby ruins: Qenqo (Ceremonial and Ritual center, place where sacrifices were made), Puca Pucara (this complex was probably used by Emperor Pachacutec as a tambo), Tambomachay (also called “The Bath of the Inca”) and Sacsayhuaman Fortress (place where the main Inca Festivals, Inti Raymi and Warachicuy take place).
Return to the hotel.

Services: Overnight. (B)
Height: Cusco: 3,395 masl

Cusco - Sacsayhuamán



Breakfast at hotel.
This day will be the highlight of our trip, the visit to the citadel of Machu Picchu. Very early we will depart from Ollanta train station towards the majestic city of Aguas Calientes, the travel time is approximately 1.5 hours. Arrival to Aguas Calientes town, from here we will board the buses to ascend to the Historic Sanctuary of Machu Picchu, one of the 7 wonders of the world. The tour will be 2.5 hours and the visit includes the Intihuatana (the Solar Clock), the Palace of the Incas, the Three Windows, etc. At the end of it we will descend to the town of Aguas Calientes to go shopping.
At a scheduled time, transfer to the station to board the train back to Ollantaytambo.
Arrival and transfer to your hotel in Cusco.

Services: Overnight. (B)
Height: Machu Picchu: 2,400 masl



Breakfast at hotel.
Free day per personal activities.

Services: Overnight. (B)
Height: Cusco: 3,395 masl

Cusco - Monasterio Santo Domingo - Coricancha



Breakfast at hotel.
Travel through the highlands. At 07:00 hours transfer to the bus station to board the tourist bus to Puno. On the way we will visit the San Pedro de Andahuaylillas Church (3,093 masl) built in 1,580 and known as “The Sistine Chapel of Peru”, the Raqchi Archaeological Center (3,475 masl) known as the Wiracocha Temple of God. Buffet lunch in Sicuani (3,540 masl). Our trip continues to La Raya (4,335 meters above sea level), the highest point of the trip, where you can see beautiful landscapes, vicuñas and llamas. This place is also known as “Union of Two Cultures” (Quechua – Cusco and Aymara – Puno); We continue towards Pucara (3,879 masl), where the origins of the Andean Culture of the Altiplano are discovered and finally, the Kalasaya Archaeological Complex.
Arrival in Puno and transfer to the hotel.

Services: Overnight. (B, L)
Height: Puno: 3,827 masl



Breakfast at hotel.
Visit to the Floating Island of Los Uros (3,810 masl), set of 20 islands formed on the basis of totora (aquatic plant). When descending from our boat we will be received by the local inhabitants with frank and friendly faces. They will tell us about the maintenance of the islands, their customs and generational legacies. The women of the island are responsible for developing different types of crafts, especially textiles and ornaments made from totora, and of course, they will offer it to all of us at the end of the tour. In the afternoon, we will visit Sillustani Chullpas, it´s one of the largest archeological areas in America. These are impressive burial monuments standing over 12 meters high stone cylinder burial chambers, used by Aymaras to bury their important leaders.
Return to the hotel.

Services: Overnight. (B)
Height: Puno: 3,827 masl

Puno - Sillustani




Breakfast at hotel.
Early we will go to the Sanctuary of Copacabana, tour of the city. Next we will board the catamaran cruise, sailing through Lake Titicaca to the Isla del Sol. In this legendary we will visit the gardens, the Stairs and the famous Inca Fountain, later we will visit the Inti Wata Cultural Complex, the main private tourist attraction of Bolivia. ; the underground museum, the centers of traditional medicine and a demonstration of the construction of totora rafts. During our visit to this complex we will have the opportunity to sail in a typical boat of the area, we will also have a panoramic visit of the Inca Palace of Pilkokaina. Afterwards, the catamaran is again tackled to depart to the Puerto de Chúa enjoying a buffet lunch on board, where the bus will be taken for the transfer by road to the city of La Paz.

Services: Overnight. (B, L)
Height: La Paz: 3,600 masl



Breakfast at hotel.
In the morning, we will be collected from their hotels in order to visit the famous market of Las Brujas (The Witches) and the colonial church of San Francisco. The journey proceeds towards Plaza Murillo where the Metropolitan Cathedral is located, as well as the Government Palace and the Parliament. Then we will visit Jaen Street where the most important museums are concentrated. Changing the scenery, the walk continues towards the residential zones of Obrajes, Calacoto and The Florida. The walk ends with a visit to the spectacular Valley of the Moon. In the afternoon, we will visit the Ruins of Tiwanaku which was the capital of an ancient civilization located only 76 km from the city of La Paz. During its days of glory, Tiwanaku was the main ceremonial center and cradle of the Andean culture. These pre – inca ruins started a series of archaeological debates. According to tests with carbon 14, the beginning of this culture would be circa the year 1580 AC. We will visit the Kalasasaya’s Temple (Sun), the Puerta of Sol, and the Semi-underground Templete, Akapana’s Pyramid as well as the museum where a very impressive collection of objects and instruments of ancient civilizations are on permanent display.
Return to the hotel.

Services: Overnight. (B)
Height: La Paz: 3,600 masl



Breakfast at hotel.
Transfer to the airport to board the international flight.

Services: (B)
Height: La Paz: 3,600 masl